11 ways to lose 10 kilos | What Losing Weight Does To Your Body And Brain | The Human Body

 11 ways to lose 10 kilos per week

11 ways to lose 10 kilos

Losing 10 pounds is a very realistic goal for longer than 1 week. To lose 10 pounds, one can follow these steps.


1. Follow a low-calorie diet

Cutting calories is the key to weight loss.


The amount of calories burned per day depends on:



body size

activity level

If someone consumes fewer calories per day than their body uses, they will lose weight.


People should follow a low-calorie diet to create a calorie deficit. This calculator can give you an idea of ​​how many calories to eat per day to lose weight.


Most experts recommend that a person eat no less than 1,200 calories a day when trying to lose weight.


2. Avoid junk food

Junk foods are:


high calorie

is not fulfilled

lack of nutrients

with a high carbohydrate content

with a high salt content

very elaborate

Examples of junk food include:



baked goods

processed snacks

most desserts

People should try to eat whole, single-ingredient foods to help reduce calorie and carbohydrate consumption.


3. Add lean protein

Lean protein helps build muscle mass. Lean protein also helps a person feel fuller after a meal. This may mean that people eat fewer calories during a meal, and as a result of feeling fuller, they may be able to eliminate some unnecessary carbohydrates, which can lead to weight loss.


4. Move more

Just moving more can help burn calories, and burning more calories can help a person lose weight in an extra week.


Ways to add more movement to your daily routine include:


parking further from the door

take 5 to 15 minute walk breaks

walking during lunch

take the stairs

5. Try high-intensity cardio

High-intensity cardio exercise is effective for weight loss in some people. It is a method of interval training where people combine periods of intense exercise with periods of rest.

One study found that people who did high-intensity cardio three times a week lost a lot of weight over 15 weeks compared to people who did steady-state exercise. Steady-state exercise is a type of activity where a person maintains roughly the same heart rate and muscle movements throughout a session.


People should consult a doctor before starting any high-intensity cardiovascular exercise. This intense workout is not for everyone.

What Losing Weight Does To Your Body And Brain

Anyone with the following health or lifestyle issues should obtain medical clearance before engaging in any high-intensity exercise:


high blood pressure


heart disease

ischemic heart disease

diabetes or prediabetes

Cigarette smoking

abnormal cholesterol levels

mainly a sedentary lifestyle

6. Add weights

Resistance training or weight lifting can help protect your metabolism from the crash that dieting can cause.


Lifting weights builds muscle. Muscle mass burns more calories than fat cells. The body also uses up more of its carbohydrate stores when you do full body resistance routines.


When someone combines resistance training with aerobic and cardio training, they burn more calories.


Prolonged exercise of low to moderate intensity for more than 30 minutes per session will gradually cause the body to stop relying on carbohydrates for fuel and start relying on fat.


This is known as the "fat burning phase" which will lead to weight loss.


7. Eat less carbs

A low-carb diet can help a person shed several pounds in a short period of time. Some studies support a reduction in total carbohydrate intake.


For example, one study showed that low-carb diets can help people with and without diabetes lose weight.


When starting a low-carb diet, some people may experience immediate weight loss as well as long-term weight loss.


Carbohydrates cause the body to store excess water; so when a person reduces their carbohydrate intake, the amount of water stored is reduced, causing weight loss.


It is essential to get advice from a doctor or dietitian before embarking on a low-carb diet, as this type of diet can cause health risks.


8. Reduce bloating

Bloating occurs when the body retains extra water or gas. Eliminating foods that cause bloating can help reduce weight. This includes foods high in sodium, such as canned soups, frozen dinners, and carbonated beverages.


9. Follow the meal plan

Following a meal plan can help people stick to their diet and stay more accountable. There are a wide variety of meal plans that one can try. Start by planning each meal for the week and make sure you stick to your daily goals.


10. Change the behavior

Changing behavior patterns and lifestyle habits can be critical to ensuring a successful weight loss plan. Research shows that when people are aware or mindful of what they eat, their cravings are reduced and they are more successful at practicing portion control, two important components of successful weight loss.


11. Seek support

Working with other people who also want to lose weight can make it more likely that individuals will achieve their weight loss goals. People can find weight loss support from friends, family and online communities dedicated to healthy living. Studies have shown that simply receiving support via text messages can encourage healthy behaviors that can lead to sustained weight loss.

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