Weight Loss Drink | Helps to Reduce 8 Kg in One Month | Very simple recipes

 Weight Loss Drink | Helps to Reduce 8 Kg in One Month

Weight Loss Drink | Helps to Reduce 8 Kg in One Month

Very simple recipes

Are you looking to lose some weight  this three ingredient drink is proven to  promote  weight loss if taking it on an empty  stomach in the morning and again  at night before bedtime add one and a  half cups  or 300 ml of water to a saucepan  and add two teaspoons of cumin seeds  cumin is a rich source of dietary fiber  and  controls your cravings for food this is  essential when you're trying to lose  weight and stay off  those snacking foods cumin can speed up  your metabolism  both due to its spiciness and because it  has a lot of iron in it  iron is vital to your metabolism

So  adding more to your diet can actually  help you burn  more calories and the more calories you  burn  the more weight you lose additionally  the antioxidants and phytosterols  in cumin can help lower your cholesterol  and reduce  blood sugar and both of these can make  weight loss easier and faster on the  whole  bring the water to a boil and then  simmer for 5 minutes  after 5 minutes strain this water into  a cup water is another key ingredient in  weight loss drinking 400 ml of water as  soon as you wake up in the morning  raises your metabolic rate significantly  water also has significant health  benefits

Metabolic level  is the rate at which your body burns  calories to maintain itself  through the night your body is deprived  of water and since  many of your body processes use water to  function your body's machinery slows  down  through the night when you drink water  in the morning and especially warm water  it helps you to jumpstart that machinery  back into gear  and kicks up your metabolic rate  now add two teaspoons of freshly  squeezed lemon juice  lemon is a rich source of antioxidants  and is loaded with vitamin c  that boosts your immunity as lemon  contains  pectin fiber lemon has an effect to  reduce  hunger pangs

So if you feel a craving  for  unhealthy drinks or soft drinks replace  this with lemon water  not only will it suppress your hunger  but it's a good source of the vitamin c  next add one to two teaspoons of honey  gives an instant energy and also  improves your immunity  natural honey contains several enzymes  which enhance the digestion of food  substances especially carbohydrates such  as sugars and starch  which helps you to reduce weight as well  in this the honey acts as a natural  sweetener  by drinking this in the morning on an  empty stomach as well as before bedtime  you increase your chance of losing up to  10 kilograms of weight  in one month .

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